My Services

Amazon Seller Central Manager-Abdullah Al Raju

Product Listing

List new products, and manage product images, descriptions, and pricing.

Amazon Seller Central Manager-Abdullah Al Raju

Listing Optimization

Optimize product listings to improve visibility and conversion rates

Amazon Seller Central Manager-Abdullah Al Raju

Keyword Research

Conduct keyword research and implement SEO strategies to enhance product discoverability.

Amazon Seller Central Manager-Abdullah Al Raju

Competitor Analysis

Identify market trends. Keep track of competitor products, pricing, and promotions.

Amazon Seller Central Manager-Abdullah Al Raju

Inventory Management

Monitor and update inventory levels to prevent stockouts and overstock situations.

Amazon Seller Central Manager-Abdullah Al Raju

Order Processing

Manage and process customer orders, including order confirmation, packaging, and shipping.

Amazon Seller Central Manager-Abdullah Al Raju

Customer Service

Respond to customer inquiries and resolve issues promptly and professionally.

Amazon Seller Central Manager-Abdullah Al Raju

Feedback Analysis

Handle customer reviews and feedback, addressing both positive and negative comments.

Amazon Seller Central Manager-Abdullah Al Raju

Account Health Monitoring

Monitor the health of Amazon seller accounts, including metrics like Order Defect Rate (ODR) and Late Shipment Rate.

Amazon Seller Central Manager-Abdullah Al Raju

PPC Campaigns

Set up and manage PPC campaigns to increase product visibility. Monitor campaign performance and adjust budgets and keywords for optimal results.

Amazon Seller Central Manager-Abdullah Al Raju

Data Analysis

Generate reports on sales, traffic, and conversion rates to assess the store’s performance.

Amazon Seller Central Manager-Abdullah Al Raju

Policy Compliance

Ensure that all Amazon policies and guidelines are followed, including those related to product listings, pricing, and customer communication.

My Expertise

As an Amazon seller central manager.

Years Experience
Store Managed
Project Done
Satisfied Store Owner